Revolutionary Communist Party (Organizing Committees)

The Revolutionary Communist Party (Organizing Committees) is a Canada-based communist organization advocating the overthrow of the capitalist system. It is in the organizing stage. The ideology of the organization, founded in 2000, can be regarded as anti-revisionist in character. They describe their ideology as "Marxism-Leninism-Maoism" which they consider the third phase of Marxism. Contrary to Stalinism, they advocate international revolution and dismiss Joseph Stalin's concept of "socialism in one country". The group does not take part in electoral politics, instead aiming to educate the working class about the need for a revolution in the style of the Russian and Chinese revolutions. The RCP(OC) is non-collaborationist and opposes all Canadian political parties, including ones calling themselves communist. The RCP(OC) considers all current political parties in Canada to be reformist (and therefore non-revolutionary) by nature. Likewise, they also regard the bureaucratic leadership of the unions to be collaborating with the bourgeoisie in an effort to undermine the revolutionary struggle of working class.

The RCP(OC) works closely with a communist youth organization; the Red Youth Front which held its founding meeting in Montreal in November 2005.

Canadian Revolutionary Congress

In November 2006, the RCP(OC) held its first national congress, dubbed the Canadian Revolutionary Congress, in Montreal, Quebec. At this congress the RCP(OC) put forward a resolution to support the founding of the RCP proper. The resolution was supported by the majority of the congress' participants, and the RCP(OC) has since re-formed itself as the Revolutionary Communist Party of Canada, although the "of Canada" suffix has not been officially declared, but is included to differentiate the Canadian RCP from the Revolutionary Communist Party USA.

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